Thomas Studhalter
In the past financial year 2023, we generated revenue of CHF 269.5 million. This result is a source of great pride, representing growth of 4.9 percent compared to the prior year. We want to maintain this success and must remain active to do so. Because when we look to the future, one word in particular stands out: change. The world around us is constantly evolving, which underscores the ability to adapt and grow as a key factor in our continued success.
We are living in a time of rapid developments, both globally and in our immediate work lives. Events around the world have exacerbated geopolitical instability, leading to inflation, labour shortages and rising interest rates. In addition, the global pandemic is still having an economic, social and political impact even years after the initial outbreak. This all coincides with the growing importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and the rapid progress of artificial intelligence. These trends are changing not only the way we work but also how we live together in society.
Other factors shaping the 2023 financial year were significant changes in the legal framework, such as the new Swiss Stock Corporation Act, the revised Data Protection Act and the VAT rate hike. In this complex environment, it is crucial for us to understand our clients’ needs and offer solutions that meet their business and personal requirements.
In these transformative times, we are even more committed to remaining open to change and addressing the growing economic challenges with fresh perspectives.
The cornerstones of our success are reliability, human-centricity, flexibility, responsibility and expertise. Against a backdrop of constant change, these values are more fundamental than ever. The need for a shared understanding of values cannot be emphasised enough in periods of global crisis, when values are being called into question worldwide. Our newly defined corporate values and leadership principles are essential for collaboration and strengthen cultural cohesion across all areas of our company. They guide our actions even in challenging times.
For a professional services firm like BDO, trust is crucial. We gain the trust of our clients through diligence and quality paired with consistent independence and objectivity. Robust risk management is an integral part of our commitment to quality, helping us to identify and manage potential challenges at an early stage. Trust in our brand is based on strong values and a long-term strategy that is geared towards the needs of our clients.
Our commitment to these values is reflected in our endeavours to increase transparency, as demonstrated by our 2023 Sustainability Report, which follows the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards for the first time.
Our business activities are underpinned by a comprehensive approach that takes into account the various dimensions of sustainability. For us, sustainability means not only environmentally friendly conduct, but also the inclusion of social and economic aspects. With an annual sustainability report, we keep our stakeholders continuously informed about our activities.
Thomas Studhalter