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BDO Horizons 2022 - Issue 3
BDO Horizons 2022 - Issue 4
BDO Horizons 2023 - Issue 1
Implementation of the OECD/G20 project on the taxation of large corporate groups
The manipulation of crypto assets
ISSB Publishes First Exposure Drafts on Climate and General Sustainability-Related Financial Disclos
OECD minimum taxation
Tax treatment of e-mobility in companies
Crypto Taxes in Switzerland
Banking Newsletter
BDO publishes ISRB 2022/03 - EU Sustainability Reporting - Comparison of Draft CSRD to NFRD Requirem
Sustainability At a Glance - ESRS E1 Climate Change
Sustainability At a Glance - The Greenhouse Gas Protocol
IFRB 2022/04 - 30 June 2022 period-end IFRS update
IFRB 2022/01
ISRB 2022/01 - 31 December year-end sustainability reporting update
IFRB 2024/01 31 December 2023 Year-end IFRS Accounting Standards Update
IFRS Accounting Standards At a Glance - 31 December 2023
ISRB 2024/01 31 December 2023 Year-end Sustainability Reporting Update
Immigration Services
News and current developments on work and residence permits - November 2022
News and current developments on work and residence permits - November 2023
News and current developments on work and residence permits - December 2024
The key role of internal audit in achieving sustainability goals
Featured Insights
Indirect counter-proposal to the Responsible Business Initiative
The Revised Data Protection Act is on its way – 5 priority to-dos for companies
AHV 21 – opportunities and challenges for employers
What does the «Yes» to AHV 21 stand for?
Changing role of Country-by-Country Reporting under Pillar 2 transitional safe harbor rules
Global Opportunities for Relocation 2023
The Manipulation Of Crypto Assets
Annual report 2023
Data analytics in internal auditing
Global Risk Landscape 2024
News and current developments on work and residence permits - June 2024
Mandatory training and continuing education for asset managers
New rules for international matters of succession
FINMA Guidance 06/2024: stablecoins in the spotlight
Global minimum taxation for the super-rich: A new approach with far-reaching implications?
Update on OECD's Pillar 2: Global minimum tax in Switzerland
OMTax: Pillar Two Federal Tax application launched in Switzerland
Swiss VAT Pitfalls for Foreign Companies
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]init[ acquires Ironforge Consulting AG.
Amplifon acquires Hörberatung Loppacher AG.
Aon plc. acquires Unidelta AG.
Aon plc. acquires PWZ AG.
Argos Soditic SA sells BMF Group AG.
AUCTUS Capital Partners AG acquires Perspectix AG.
Belfor (Suisse) AG sells its business unit «Fire Protection in German-speaking Switzerland» to Roth
Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH acquires Zünd Präzisionstechnik AG.
Howden Schweiz AG acquires Argenius Risk Experts Ltd.
Howden Schweiz AG acquires Hudson Sky International AG.
Howden Schweiz AG acquires RVA Versicherungsbroker AG.
JSD Polska Sp. z o.o acquires Hilpert Electronics AG.
Sonio Invest AG acquires Business IT AG.
Clienia AG acquires Zentrum für Angst- und Depressionsbehandlung Zürich (ZADZ) AG.
Die Mobiliar acquires Hotel Appenberg AG.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in Unisers AG.
Gebrüder Meier AG acquires UIKER Antriebstechnik AG.
FMA Holding AG acquires NOX Systems AG.
Holcim (Schweiz) AG acquires Fanger Kies + Beton AG.
ITS Kanal Services AG acquires Künzli Group.
Continum Unternehmerkapital AG acquires Hairstylist Pierre AG.
DBS Immobilier SA acquires «Die Liegenschafter Immobilien AG» and «Hammer Retex AG».
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in xFarm Technologies SA.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in Nanolive SA.
Eurofins Scientific acquires Microscan service S.A.
Fairway Family Office AG invests in Westhive AG.
Merger of Spitex Zürich Limmat and Spitex Zürich Sihl.
Blue8 AG invests in Swiss Learning Hub AG.
Gaming1 invests in Casino Crans-Montana.
ISS Facility Services AG acquires Livit FM Services AG.
Klima Energy Transition Fund invests in Meteomatics AG.
labor team w ag acquires HämostaseThromboseZentrum Zürich (Haemoclot AG).
Medbase Apotheken AG acquires Hornstein AG.
Munich Re invests in CertX AG.
OpenOcean invests in strong.network SA.
Polygon Schweiz AG acquires Odermatt Group.
Rimoca Holding acquires Firalux Design AG.
COWA Group acquires qualiServ AG.
Die Schweizerische Post AG acquires Dialog Verwaltungs-Data AG.
Boesner GmbH Succession and Sale Process.
CGS Management AG acquires A+F Automation + Fördertechnik GmbH
Consultys Holding acquires Aston Group Companies SA.
CSS Holding AG invests in OnlineDoctor AG.
SAB Management Holding AG acquires Careproduct AG from Galenica Group.
Sanoptis AG acquires Vue Group.
Sanoptis AG acquires Omma Augenklink AG.
Specialized Switzerland Retail GmbH acquires Bike Concept SA, operator of the Ciclissimo stores.
Stadtcasino Baden AG invests in Casinò Locarno SA.
Swiss Post Solutions AG acquires Avaloq Outline AG.
Swisspor Holding AG acquires Daspag AG.
DBS Group invests in Intercity Bewirtschaftung AG.
Schrämli Holding AG acquires A. Bachmann Group.
Kanalservice Group acquires H. Jakober AG.
F.G. Pfister Holding AG acquires Goba AG.
Ineichen Management Buy-in (MBI).
Vista Augenpraxen & Kliniken acquires Augenklinik Bucher AG.
Vista Augenpraxen & Kliniken acquires Aivla Group.
Vista Augenpraxen & Kliniken acquires Klinik ZüriSeh AG.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in ANYbotics Ltd.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in Creal SA.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in Sophia Genetics SA.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in Bitmovin Inc.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in ecoRobotix SA.
CKW Conex AG acquires Elektro-Fürst Holding AG.
Birr Machines AG acquires Eniwa AG.
Eurofins Scientific acquires Qualitech AG and QUTE Holding AG.
Future Industry Ventures Sarl invests in Flyability SA.
Genossenschaft ZFV-Unternehmung acquires KIMI Krippen AG and TACADIS AG.
Eurofins Scientific acquires Scitec Research SA.
GENUI acquires labor team w ag.
Schneider Umweltservice AG acquires various business areas of Heggli AG.
Private Investor acquires Hotel Rischli AG.
A group of investors acquires Gebrüder Meier AG and GMB elektrische Maschinen und Anlagen AG.
JCEM Group invests in TAG GmbH.
Granita Holding AG acquires Wymed AG.
Iron Mountain Inc. acquires Martinspeed Ltd.
Delta Zofingen AG invests in Kuhn und Bieri AG.
OAI Kreis Holding GmbH acquires Löwen-Apotheke Frick AG.
Luxoft Holding Inc. acquires UNAFORTIS AG.
mbjobs GmbH is acquired by a private investor.
GETEC Heat & Power GmbH acquires industrial parks from Clariant and Novartis.
Patrimonium Asset Management acquires a majority stake of Roth Gruppe AG sold by Equistone Partners.
Sanoptis AG acquires KammannEye AG.
Sanoptis AG acquires Matia AG.
Schrämli Holding AG acquires Schwarz AG Feinblechtechnik.
Soletanche Freiyssinet SA acquires Helimap System SA.
Stille AB acquires S&T AG.
Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank invests in Sulzer & Schmid Laboratories AG.
Dimontonate Swiss AG acquires SwissFlock AG.
Domotec AG acquires BUMA Haustechnik AG.
F.G. Pfister Holding AG invests in Promet AG Kirchberg.
Triodos Organic Growth Fund invests in Farmy AG.
Vista Augenpraxen & Kliniken acquires Augenklinik-Seefeld AG.
Vista Augenpraxen & Kliniken cooperates with PD Dr. Eisenmann Praxis für Augenheilkunde AG Chur.
PANOLIN AG acquires FRIPOO Produkte AG.
BKW Building Solutions AG acquires ngworx.AG.
Pharmacies BENU SA acquires Apotheke zum Ritter AG.
Merger of Flower Exchanges Rothrist and Zurich.
TOPSOLID SAS acquires CADAM Solutions AG..
Indutrade Switzerland AG acquires Färber & Schmid AG.
Consultys Holding acquires Prismond Group SA.
Optimus Holding Ltd. acquires OM Pharma from Vifor Pharma Group.
Competec Holding AG acquires Medidor AG.
AS Infotrack AG Management Buy-Out (MBO).
Cendres-Métaux acquired Cronal SA.
Gonvarri Material Handling AS acquires Kaufmann Systems AG.
Restrade AG Management Buy-out (MBO).
Energie Zukunft Schweiz AG Management Buy-out (MBO).
Debiopharm Investment SA invests in LGH Little Green House AG.
Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank invests in GetYourGuide AG.
BRF Holding AG sells Repa AG and Fruchthof AG to Jacobs Douwe Egberts (JDE) International B.V.
Stadt Zürich ERZ acquires Rolf Bossard AG.
Successfull succession for Geozug Ingenieure AG by means of a Management Buy-out (MBO)
Hanimob AG Management Buy-out (MBO).
Klimavent AG Management Buy-out (MBO).
Private Investor acquires Leiser Maschinen und Fahrzeuge AG.
KIBAG Group acquires Aktiengesellschaft Ernst Hablützel & Co.
Studer Family Office acquires NSM Holding AG.
Netcetera AG acquires Unitek Engineering AG.
Rigips AG acquires Akustikmodular AG.
Welti-Furrer Pneukran und Spezialtransporte AG acquires Fanger Kran AG und Frey + Egle AG.
Work Selection AG acquires Eurojob Group.
Zeochem AG acquires Armar AG.
Aon Switzerland AG acquires Assimedia SA.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in Avrios International AG.
Holcim Switzerland Ltd. acquires BHL Béton SA.
People 2.0 Inc. acquires Capital GES SA.
Senevita AG acquires Clinica Holistica Engiadina AG.
Luxoft Holding Inc. acquires CMORE Automotive GmbH.
SAP SE acquires Coresystems FSM AG.
Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank invests in Creoptix AG.
CompaNanny AG acquires Crossing Borders GmbH.
Successfull succession for DEMOScope by means of a Management Buy-out (MBO)
BKW Building Solutions AG acquires Elektro Handschin AG.
Iron Mountain Inc. acquires EvoSwitch Netherlands B.V.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in Expense Robot GmbH.
Armira Partners GmbH & Co. KG acquires FileWave International Holding AG.
Klinger Holding Austria GmbH acquires Franz Gysi AG.
CTS Eventim AG invests in Gadget Entertainment AG.
Vaillant GmbH acquires Globes SA.
Vorwerk International Strecker & Co. acquires Huber-Schindler AG.
Brütsch Elektronik AG acquires Jossi AG.
CGS Management AG acquires Kalt Maschinenbau AG.
Swisscom (Switzerland) AG invests in Kandou Bus SA.
CCC SA acquires Karl Voegele SA.
CymbiQ Group AG acquires Koch IT AG.
Novokraft AG is acquired by a private investor.
Luxoft Holding Inc. acquires Objective Software GmbH.
Cendres+Métaux Holding SA acquires Queloz SA from DKSH Holding.
J. Safra Group acquires Regus Holding GmbH.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in Scandit AG.
Gerresheimer AG aquires Sensile Medical AG.
SWL Energie AG acquires Signer & Gloor AG.
Schweizer Reisekasse (Reka) Genossenschaft acquires Swiss Holiday Park AG.
Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank invests in SWISSto12 SA.
Copernicus Holding SA acquires Thalia SA.
Medbase acquired Topwell Apotheken AG.
Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank invests in Versantis AG.
Ardent Group invests in Casino Davos AG.
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. acquires Hesse & Partner AG and Hesse Consulting GmbH.
Paybyphone by Volkswagen Financial Services AG acquires Mathom AG.
Precision Surfacing Solutions Group acquires the Wafering Technology of Meyer Burger.
PEAT GmbH acquires Salesbee GmbH.
BKW Building Solutions AG acquires Gloor Planzer AG.
Keolis S.A. acquired CarPostal France SAS.
Elektro Winter AG is acquired by ISP.
Continum Unternehmerkapital AG acquires Gebrüder Meier AG.
Sulzer Management AG acquires Medmix Systems AG.
Swiss IT Security Group acquires MIT-Group.
U. Baumann AG acquires Reist Haushaltapparate AG.
Cross Equity Partners AG sell Swiss Tool Systems to RBC Bearings.
Bell Food Group acquires Sylvain & CO AG.
Riverside-Group acquires Tecsedo SA.
Merger between SAM Versicherungen AG and wefox group.
Alantra invests in Eturnity Ltd.
Indutrade Switzerland AG acquires TSE Troller AG.
LAEMMLE Group acquires Amstutz Produkte AG.
Bruker Corporation acquires a stake in MIRO Analytical AG.
AEW Energie AG invests in Vento Ludens Suisse GmbH.
ITS Kanal Services AG increases acquisition financing facilities
F.G. Pfister Holding AG acquires Alder + Eisenhut AG.
Howden Switzerland Ltd. acquires Haakon Ltd.
Hasena-Holding AG acquires Robusta AG.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in Spacetek Technology AG.
Aunetic (Main Capital) acquires Lari Digital Ltd.
RBAB Holding AG acquires Hotel Ambassador Luzern AG.
PQ Corporation acquires vanBaerle group.
BPD Zenith aquires EAM Swiss.
ASKER Healthcare Group acquires Praximedico AG.
Groupe Factoria acquires Printhof GmbH.
Howden Switzerland Ltd. acquires Swibro AG.
Howden Switzerland Ltd acquires fmCh Versicherungen AG.
Howden Switzerland Ltd acquires Vorsorge Partner AG.
Howden Switzerland Ltd acquires BSC Broker Service Center GmbH.
WIIT S.p.A. acquires Econis Ltd.
Polygon Switzerland acquires Axis Project GmbH and GlassResQ AG.
Kanalservice Group acquires Roberit Group.
Duplo Seiko Corporation acquires Multigraf AG.
Mobil in Time Group acquires Wärmemobil AG.
Swiss Lachs Gottardo AG takes over the operation of Basis 57 nachhaltige Wassernutzung AG.
WuNet AG acquires TECDOOR AG.
Mobil in Time Group acquires the company ZB Zelt- und Bauheizungen AG.
NeoVac ATA AG acquires the ZEV division of swenex - swiss energy exchange Ltd.
SPIE Schweiz AG signs agreement to acquire Corporate Software AG.
Vierwald Software AG acquires OPIT Solutions AG.
Digital Transformation Fund SCS by Swisscom (Schweiz) AG invests in Kyan Health AG.
OpenOcean Ventures invests in Embeddable through TMD Technology Ltd.