BDO Ltd, Route de Meyrin 123
1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
Phone:022 322 24 24
Our opening hours:Monday - Friday: 8 - 12 am, 1.00 - 5.00 pm
Postal address
P.O. Box 150
1215 , Geneva 15BDO Ltd is one of the leading audit, business services and advisory firms in Switzerland. We offer services in our core areas of expertise: audit, financial services, business services and outsourcing, tax and legal advisory, and management consulting.
BDO SA has been present in the canton since 1995. We started out in the Eaux-Vives district, then Plainpalais. For over ten years we have been in the famous Châtelaine district, close to the international organisations and the city centre and right in the midst of the new Etang eco-district.
We value proximity to our clients so that we can support their business development and growth as best we can. With access to our national and international network, we provide unique advisory opportunities.
When you work with our skilled, loyal and dedicated people, you can expect a relationship of equals and a genuine interest in your needs and service requirements. Together, we will find the best solution for you.
Is collaboration a matter of trust for you? For us, trust is the basis of success.
BDO Ltd, Route de Meyrin 123
1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
Phone:022 322 24 24
Our opening hours:Monday - Friday: 8 - 12 am, 1.00 - 5.00 pm
Postal address
P.O. Box 150
1215 , Geneva 15Isabelle Cartier-Rumo
Ilaria Santini
Patrick Cattin
Taulant Avdija
Nigel Le Masurier
Grégoire Weber
Xavier Pan
Vincent Burdet
Elizabeth Conti
Yves Grangier
Alexandre Sadik
Do you have questions about our services, would you like an appointment or do you have another request?