BDO Winterthur

Audit | Accounting | Tax | Business Solutions

Business Consulting in Winterthur

BDO Ltd is one of the leading audit, business services and advisory firms in Switzerland We offer services in our core areas of expertise: audit, financial services, business services and outsourcing, tax and legal advisory, and management consulting.

The city of Winterthur combines tradition and modernity like no other business centre in Switzerland. The lively region is home to numerous organisations operating in industry, services and culture, and offers ideal conditions for living and working. In this diverse environment, BDO supports clients with a clear focus on quality, foresight and pragmatic solutions - always with personal commitment and as equals in our working relationship.

BDO is ideally equipped to handle complex and cross-border engagements. At our Winterthur office, we combine regional roots with an international network. Companies, public administrations and NPOs of all sizes - from regional SMEs to major international corporations - benefit from our comprehensive range of services. This includes business services and outsourcing, auditing, tax consulting and specialised support in various areas of management consulting.

Proximity to the region with all its specific requirements combine with our understanding of global challenges as the basis for a reliable working relationship and individual support. Trust in us to co- develop sustainable solutions with you that are precisely tailored to your needs.

Collaboration is a matter of trust. For BDO, trust is the key to long-term success. See for yourself - we look forward to welcoming you in Winterthur.

Meet our team

Beat Moergeli BDO

Beat Mörgeli

Co-Head of Office Winterthur
View bio
Stefan Freivogel

Stefan Freivogel

Co-Head of Office Winterthur
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Martin Nay

Martin Nay

Head of Market Development, Winterthur
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Nicole Schöni

Nicole Schöni

Head of Audit, Winterthur
View bio

Get in touch

Do you have questions about our services, would you like an appointment or do you have another request?

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