Compliance Management

Corporate Governance

Along with strong values, compliance management is geared towards specific risks and as such forms part of good corporate governance.

Integrity management, anti-bribery solutions, or compliance management systems (CMS) help protect assets and reputation, contributing to the preservation of enterprise value over time. Beyond preventing criminal activity, a CMS focuses on establishing a sustainable corporate strategy that supports your reputation and your people.

We work with you to define potential courses of action and guide you in aligning your strategy to rapidly shifting markets. Our approach offers solutions for owner-managed, mid-market, and large companies, taking your specific risk profile into account. 

Benefits for you

Implementing an effective CMS is a powerful preventive measure that protects your company and can help relieve key decision makers of personal liability. It also enables you to investigate, clarify, and sanction wrongdoing.

You detect risks at an early stage and increase your enterprise value over time. You support your people with guidance in dilemma situations and improve stability in your business. Your compliance management system is an important component of your organisation's good corporate governance.

Contact us

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Key contact

Marc Sollberger

Marc Sollberger

Head of Performance Advisory, Zurich - Partner
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