Statutory audit

Listed companies and other organisations that meet certain economic criteria are required by law to undergo a statutory audit. The legal form of the organisation does not affect this requirement. Entities subject to a statutory audit also have to maintain an internal control system (ICS) and include a statement about their risk assessment in their management report.

The comprehensive report of the statutory auditor is addressed to the board of directors and covers the findings related to accounting and the internal control system as well as the performance and results of the audit.

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Key contacts

Bruno Purtschert

Bruno Purtschert

Audit, Pension Funds, Lucerne - Partner
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Nigel Le Masurier

Nigel Le Masurier

Member of the Regional Management Western Switzerland, Head of Audit, Geneva & Lausanne - Partner
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Thomas Schmid

Thomas Schmid

Member of the Regional Management Northwestern Switzerland, Audit, Aarau
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