Regulatory and Compliance

Financial services providers operate in a complex environment, subject to rapidly changing rules and regulations.

Our regulatory and compliance team can support you with in-depth expertise in the financial industry as well as vast practical field experience. We advise on legal questions affecting banks, securities firms, insurance companies, collective investment schemes (including fund managers and asset managers), Fintech institutes, other financial intermediaries and regulatory authorities.

Bild Regulatory & Compliance

Benefit from our comprehensive
array of services in:

  • Legal and regulatory due diligence
  • Appraisals and regulatory legal opinions
  • Advisory on regulatory related matters
  • Contracts
Image Regulatory & Compliance

In addition to being well-versed in financial market law, our legal advisors have extensive practical experience in the financial sector.

Due to our broad range of services, BDO can respond to your specific needs, relying on the vast expertise of our specialists throughout Switzerland and the international BDO network.

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Key contacts

Taulant Avdija

Taulant Avdija

Head of Regulatory & Compliance Switzerland, Geneva - Partner
View bio