Mergers & Acquisitions

Whether you’re pursuing an M&A project in Switzerland or abroad, it’s helpful to have a skilled adviser at your side. BDO's M&A experts are a steadfast and level-headed advisor at every stage of your project, drawing on a wealth of transaction experience to offer you optimum support, especially when things get hectic. We work closely with our own lawyers, tax advisers and auditors and are committed to ensuring a smooth and efficient process for you. However we’re also happy to work with your specialists if you prefer.

Our services:


BDO is your independent adviser throughout every phase of your M&A transaction. Our expertise covers company sales, succession planning, mergers, strategic alliances and joint ventures, management buy-outs (MBO) and buy-ins (MBI) as well as leveraged buy-outs.

  • Company sales – from smaller family businesses to larger international or listed entities
  • Succession planning, no matter how big, small or complex the company,
  • Management buy-outs
  • Company valuations, business plan compilation, development of effective and targeted shareholder or M&A strategy, feasibility and finance assessments form part or our offering on all transactions
  • Advice to help you develop and implement your M&A strategy
  • Compilation of finance and business plans


We support you in developing your acquisition strategy and identifying and evaluating potential targets. If required, BDO can coordinate and execute the entire transaction on your behalf. We’ll represent your interests during negotiations and arrange financing for your transaction.

  • From identifying targets to closing the transaction, we support you with a comprehensive advisory package or modular services
  • Management buy-out (MBO)/management buy-in (MBI)/leveraged buy-out (LBO) - we guide the management team through all steps of the transaction, searching for investors and debt providers

Company and project financing

  • Procurement of debt financing
    We help arrange financing to support your company's growth phase or restructuring scenarios

  • Procurement of equity
    We help you find equity investors for your management buy-out, expansion plans or restructuring financing

Strategic alignment and finance plans

  • Advice to help you develop and implement your M&A strategy
  • Compilation of finance and business plans

Contact us

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Key contacts

Marcel Jans

Marcel Jans

Head of Deal Advisory Switzerland, Zurich - Partner
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Christian Ryf

Christian Ryf

Co-Head M&A Switzerland, Zurich - Partner
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Dr. Jürg Glesti

Dr. Jürg Glesti

Senior Advisor, Zurich
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Charles-Henri Benoit

Charles-Henri Benoit

Head of Deal Advisory Western Switzerland Region, Deputy Director, Lausanne
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Michael Sahli

Michael Sahli

Head of Deal Advisory Swiss Plateau Region, Senior Manager, Berne & Langenthal
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Marcel Gertsch

Marcel Gertsch

Head of Advisory Northwestern Switzerland, Aarau - Partner
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Matthias Büeler

Matthias Büeler

Head of Deal Advisory Central Switzerland, Lucerne - Partner
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Foto Eduard Straub

Dr. Eduard Straub

M&A, Senior Executive Advisor, Zurich
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