Internal investigations

Have you received an anonymous letter accusing one of your employees of fraud, bribery, money laundering or other misconduct? Have accounting irregularities aroused the suspicion of your internal auditor?

BDO’s Forensic Team clarifies the facts, quantifies any damage and provides you with the basis you need to take further decisions – and prevent future incidents. With our commitment to the highest level of discretion, BDO is your ideal, independent partner in clarifying allegations or suspicions of:

  • Fraud and embezzlement
  • Financial statement manipulation or fraudulent invoicing
  • Money laundering
  • Corruption/bribery
  • Industrial espionage/theft of trade secrets
  • Conflicts of interest/insider trading
  • Breaches of procurement guidelines or other internal regulations

Businesses face new challenges from the increasing complexity of fraud and other forms of misconduct. The more flexible a company is in responding to such activity, the weaker the negative impact on the organisation. To resolve critical issues discreetly and cost-effectively, our forensics professionals leverage their years of experience as well as the latest technologies. eDiscovery technologies can be applied to analyse large volumes of data without disrupting your business activities.

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Key contacts

Stefan Kühn

Stefan Kühn

Head of Regional Management Zurich & Eastern Switzerland, Member of the Executive Committee, Zurich - Partner
View bio
Kaisa Karvonen

Kaisa Karvonen

Head of Forensic Services, Zurich
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