Pension provision

What does pension provision mean exactly?

Pension provision has to do with (wise) foresight. As life expectancy increases, providing for old age becomes more important, which is why there are tax incentives. But even those who are not fortunate enough to grow old in good health should be able to enjoy financial security. Let us show you how. In Switzerland, we are accustomed to the three-pillar system. This is not about the loss of salary during a short period, but about the long-term loss of earnings.

While pillar 1 is exhaustively and exclusively governed by law, the second and third pillars offer considerable scope to obtain minimal or comfortable protection. The second pillar is largely determined by the employer, although employees do have a say, and may be represented by the employee representatives of the joint committee, which must be installed in every pension fund. The third pillar serves as a supplement in all cases where personal needs are not sufficiently covered by the first two pillars.

Employers and employees share the costs of financing the first two pillars, while premiums for the third pillar must be paid by the employee. In all three pillars, there are ways to optimise your personal situation - in terms of the expected benefits and in combination with tax privileges. We provide you with 360° advice and a holistic view of your personal situation.

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