Social insurances for individuals

What do I need to be aware of as a private individual?

The ultimate beneficiaries of the different types of social insurance are always people. From birth, everyone is affected by risks that need to be covered. Social insurance is about covering financial risks. We differentiate between medical expenses and cash benefits. Medical expenses are those incurred for recovery. For example, for visits to the doctor, hospitalisation, medication, therapies, etc. Cash benefits are paid in the form of daily allowances, pensions and supplementary benefits. They often replace earned income if someone is temporarily or permanently unable to work.

Not everyone plans out their entire life, and things often turn out differently than planned. It is always worth checking as soon as possible whether you are sufficiently covered in any life situation. After all, once a loss has occurred, it can no longer be insured. The situation is different when it comes to retirement provision. There is time to improve your retirement benefits up until shortly before you retire – a little more or a little less depending on how you structure your plan. Under ‘Pension provision’ you will find an overview of the structure of the pension system in Switzerland with the most important benefits, especially in the event of disability, death and old age. Under ‘Breaks in employment’ you will find useful information on what to consider if you are temporarily out of work. Where do gaps arise and how can they be closed?

Working in other countries is an increasingly important topic at the moment, but there are some pitfalls to consider. We outline these under ‘Working abroad’. You will also find important information on the special challenges faced by people who are self-employed or serve on the board of directors. A brief look at these topics will help you get everything right from the outset.


Setting up your own business

What is meant by ‘self-employed’, what do you need to bear in mind and how should you proceed? We guide you and give you the confidence to do everything right from the start.


Breaks in employment

There are many reasons for taking a career break. Some are voluntary, such as unpaid leave, family leave or retraining. Others are forced upon you, such as incapacity for work (illness, accident), unemployment or even disability. We offer guidance in both cases.

Arbeiten am Strand

Working abroad

A growing number of people want to work where they choose, when they choose. Technical developments and digitalisation are playing into our hands, making it possible to do many things that were previously unthinkable. But different countries have different customs and laws. We explain the limits and suggest ways to prevent the dream from becoming a nightmare.


Board members

Board memberships are interesting, create new prospects and offer prestige. However, they also come with a good deal of responsibility. Personal joint and several liability is an important factor, particularly in the area of social insurance. We can advise you on your personal situation and your responsibility as a board member.

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Pension provision

Pension provision has to do with (wise) foresight. As life expectancy increases, providing for old age becomes more important, which is why there are tax incentives. But even those who are not fortunate enough to grow old in good health should be able to enjoy financial security. Let us show you how.

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