Working abroad

Working from anywhere – no problem or big deal?

A growing number of people want to work where they choose, when they choose. Technical developments and digitalisation are playing into our hands, making it possible to do many things that were previously unthinkable. But different countries have different customs and laws. For example, employees must comply with local regulations on working hours or public holidays. Some countries stipulate that an employment contract must also be concluded in accordance with their law if the majority of work is carried out in their country. Other countries’ laws may make far more extensive provisions than Swiss law does. The place of jurisdiction is often not taken into account, but can lead to surprises if there’s a dispute involving legal action abroad.

In terms of social security and tax law, it often doesn’t take much for a person’s subordination to change to another country or for them to be subject to systems in different countries. This not only makes for an administrative and legal challenge in calculating contributions, it also has far-reaching consequences for the risk and pension cover of the employees or self-employed persons concerned. Subordination must be clarified and confirmed before any assignment abroad.

We explain the limits and suggest ways to prevent the dream from becoming a nightmare.

You’re self-employed and would like to work from abroad?

Many of the questions arising for employees and employers also affect the self-employed. You can find more information on this topic on our page ‘Working from anywhere’.

Zwei Personen mit Rollkoffer

You’re an employee and would like to work abroad - permanently or temporarily?

Even if you have a responsible employer: your personal situation is important. Clarify with your employer what the best solution is so that you are well provided for both abroad and when you return in the future. We can show you which obligations need to be complied with, but also what additional options are available for optimum protection. You can find out more on this topic on our page ‘Working from anywhere’.

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